Worth Reading

The CAPAZ Institute maintains its commitment to the open and free dissemination of research work on peace in Colombia and to this end announces its new Academia.edu account. This academic dissemination platform has nearly 114 million users and more than…

We are proud to present Chapter Five of Vox Populi! In this episode, Daniel Castaño (lecturer and researcher at Universidad de Medellín) and Nigeria Rentería (former negotiator in Havana and former High Counsellor for Women’s Equity) answer questions from Chocó…

Policy Brief Instituto CAPAZ Caso Otoniel
The CAPAZ editorial project continues to bring together authors who contribute to current issues based on careful research. In this publication, Professor Beatrice Canossi (researcher at Universidad del Rosario) recounts the case of Dairo Úsuga alias Otoniel to highlight some…

The CAPAZ Education and Science Diplomacy project continues to press forward with its OnePagers. This, the sixth, is titled Semillero Navegantes de la Memoria – Nadelam. Four years of “navigating” community archives in Buenaventura, Colombia. The initial text was written…

Photo: Solveig Richter As part of our Education and Science Diplomacy project, we are pleased to present One-Pager #5, entitled “Pandemic effects and community strategies: health, poverty, and security”. The paper was written by Solveig Richter and Leonardo Salcedo and…