Worth Reading

Rettberg, A. (14 de noviembre de 2016). Paz en construcción: lecciones del proceso colombiano. La silla vacía. Recuperado de https://lasillavacia.com/silla-llena/red-de-la-paz/historia/paz-en-construccion-lecciones-del-proceso-colombiano-58732…

The German-Colombian Peace Institute - CAPAZ is pleased to announce the publication of the recent special edition of PRIF SPOTLIGHT 10/2018, entitled "Colombia under the Duque government. Policy options to strengthen the peace process”. Available in English, Spanish and German.
The German-Colombian Peace Institute – CAPAZ is pleased to announce the publication of the recent special edition of PRIF SPOTLIGHT 10/2018, entitled “Colombia under the Duque government. Policy options to strengthen the peace process”.   The authors are Prof. Dr.…