Worth Reading

Foto: El Espectador
In a recent article published by the Colombian newspaper El Espectador, CAPAZ Director, Prof. Dr. Stefan Peters explains the importance of continuing to support the implementation of peace in Colombia, even during the current COVID-19 crisis. The reality of dealing…

Stefan Peters, Director of the German-Colombian Peace Institute CAPAZ and Professor for Peace Studies at  Justus Liebig University Giessen talked with Roberto González Arana, Professor for History at Universidad del Norte,  for the radio interview “La historia continúa”. Both professors…

Captura del artículo en DW online
The Spanish-language services of the German network Deutsche Welle (DW) highlighted the continuing wave of killings of activists in countries such as Colombia and Brazil, even in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic in the article entitled: “Sin tregua durante…

Apartado de la introducción general: “En este libro se exponen los principales hallazgos, las metodologías empleadas, así como algunas recomendaciones para los gobiernos y las organizaciones de la sociedad civil, resultados del proyecto de investigación e intervención ‘Voces e iniciativas…

The German newspaper TAZ has published an article on the precarious socio-economic and public health conditions in Latin American countries, which are making it difficult for much of the population to cope vis-à-vis the COVID-19 pandemic. CAPAZ director Prof. Dr.…