Worth Reading

Issue No. 27 of Revista Ópera produced by Universidad Externado de Colombia, one of the CAPAZ founder members, has just been published. This issue on science, knowledge and peace, was co-edited by Alejandro Balanzó, Juan Pablo Centeno and CAPAZ Administrative…

“Colombia: El reto de esclarecer la verdad sobre el pasado violento y el papel de la diáspora” (Colombia: The challenge of uncovering the truth about its violent past and the role of the diaspora) is the title of the article…

  Migration from Venezuela has been receiving much attention in Colombia, Latin America, and the world for years. In contrast, migratory movements on the border between Colombia and Panama are almost invisible, but are complex for various reasons, which today,…

Captura de pantalla del panel virtual de CAPAZ.
Peace in Colombia in times of COVID-19 was the central theme of the first virtual panel convened by CAPAZ in association with the University of Erfurt, the Leibniz Institute for Peace and Conflict Studies in Frankfurt (PRIF/HSFK), and the Justus…

For a few months in the first semester of 2020, four students from Germany and Colombia –Daniela, Ximena, Emily and Carlos Andrés– supported CAPAZ in its various activities, including administration, communication, and research within the institute. We would like to…