Worth Reading

  Episode 11 of the CAPAZ video series on peace in times of COVID-19, presents a different perspective on the implementation of peace in Colombia during the pandemic. Stefan Pohl Valero is a professor at Universidad del Rosario and his…

The CAPAZ-supported radio series “This is how you build peace! Experiences from the Territories” continues. An episode dealing with two initiatives in the departments of Antioquia and Cesar will be broadcast on Friday, July 24, 2020, at 3:00 p.m. You…

Captura de la transmisión
Jula Munz, Referat Menschenrechte und Frieden, Brot für die Welt Mehr als 200.000 Personen sind allein in Lateinamerika verschwunden. Für Migrant*innen ist das Risiko besonders groß. Länder wie Kolumbien und Mexiko haben auf Druck von Familienangehörigen und zivilgesellschaftlichen Organisationen Institutionen…

Captura del video de la declaración conjunta
The Commission for the Clarification of the Truth, the Special Jurisdiction for Peace and the Missing Persons Search Unit categorically repudiate the continued killing of social leaders and former FARC combatants. Today, more than ever, the whole of Colombia must…

  The CAPAZ web video-column series entitled “Peace, now more than ever”, focusing on peace in Colombia in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic has reached its tenth episode. The episode is now available on the CAPAZ YouTube and Instagram:…