Worth Reading

Mauricio Archila Neira’s lecture on protest in Colombia held on August 11, 2020 launched the virtual lecture series of the First International Seminar on “History and Memory of Violence and Conflict in Latin America”. The lecture series will run from…

En su edición No. 07/2020, el boletín de la asociación ADLAF destaca eventos y novedades del Instituto Colombo-Alemán para la Paz – CAPAZ. La Asociación Alemana de Investigación sobre América Latina (Arbeitsgemeinschaft deutsche Lateinamerikaforschung – ADLAF) es una agrupación interdisciplinaria…

Camila de Gamboa Tapias, Associate Professor at Universidad del Rosario in Colombia is the author of the recently published CAPAZ Policy Brief. This is the second CAPAZ blue series (línea azul) publication, as part of the project entitled: “Stabilisation of…

The series of radio programmes called: “This is how you build peace! Experiences from the territories” is coming to an end. The final episode of the podcast series that featured various peace education experiences in different parts of Colombia will…

CAPAZ appears in the JEP Investigation and Prosecution Unit’s online publication called: “Online with the Investigation and Prosecution Unit”. On page 5 of its second July 2020 issue, the publication highlights the Unit’s cooperation with CAPAZ, specifically in promoting the…