Worth Reading

We are pleased to bring you the article entitled: “Bordadoras de paz colombianas: elaborar las heridas y conservar la memoria” (Colombian peace embroiderers: working out the wounds and preserving the memory), recently published by the German channel Deutsche Welle, on…

¡Le invitamos a participar en la nueva experiencia académica ofrecida por el Instituto CAPAZ!     Following extensive work on content design and academic coordination with lecturers from our partner universities, CAPAZ is finally launching the School of Online Courses…

Abstract: This working paper is  intended to help explain the contemporary concept of restorative justice and the role it can play in transitional justice, an analysis that approaches the Comprehensive System of Truth, Justice, Reparation and Non-Repetition (SIVJRNR) agreed in…

The podcast series produced by Nodo Alemania is pleased to announce its fourth episode! On this occasion, you will hear a conversation between Xiomara Loango, a journalist and member of Nodo Alemania, and Elizabeth López, a physiotherapist and civil servant.…

Extract: “This document describes the characteristics of popular consultations as a mechanism of environmental democracy, their activation at municipal level in recent years to decide on extractive activities, and the ambivalent response of the State. This is followed by a…