Worth Reading

Colombia vive desde el 28 de abril de 2021 protestas sociales en diversas ciudades y zonas del país. Manifestación en Bogotá el 15.5.2021. Foto: Claudia Maya
“Die Zivilbevölkerung in Kolumbien darf uns nicht egal sein” is the title of the brief but powerful article written by Gina Cortés and María Cárdenas—the latter, a PhD student at Justus Liebig University Giessen—published online in the Wissenschaft und Frieden…

El Nodo ALemania recibe apoyo del Instituto CAPAZ.
The second season of the “Voices in Exile” podcast is dedicated to Colombians from the art world living in Germany. In the second episode, Lorena Díez talks with Oscar Ardila, independent curator and art historian, author of several publications on…

Durante las recientes protestas en Colombia se han evidenciado acciones de violencia excesiva por parte de la fuerza pública en contra de los manifestantes.
In a recent interview with Deutsche Welle (DW) in Spanish, CAPAZ Academic Director and professor of peace studies at Justus Liebig University Giessen, Prof. Dr. Stefan Peters talked about the actions of the security forces in the context of the…

detektor.fm es un portal de radio tipo podcast independiente en Alemania.
The recent demonstrations in Colombia were the focus of the recent instalment of the Zurück zum Thema (Going back to the topic) podcast broadcast on the German independent radio network detektor.fm. CAPAZ Academic Director and professor of peace studies at…

amerika21 es un portal independiente sobre américa latina en alemania.
The independent information platform in Germany, Amerika21 – Nachrichten und Analysen aus Lateinamerika has published the statement released by CAPAZ on May 5, 2021, condemning the forms of violence used during the recent protests in Colombia. In the statement, Amerika21…