Worth Reading

CAPAZ Science Collaborator, Juliana González, recently published an article in the German journal Zeitschrift für Friedens und Konfliktforschung (Journal of Peace and Conflict Studies), which she wrote together with Ángela Santamaría, Dunen Kaneybia Muelas Izquierdo, Laura María Restrepo Acevedo, and…

Policy Brief 5 CAPAZ
In the policy brief: “Intergenerational damage and transmission: contributions for reflection in Colombia”, researchers Juan Pablo Aranguren and Juan Roberto Rengifo provide “some elements of analysis through which to understand intergenerational damage and its associated concepts, in the contexts of…

Universidad de los Andes will hold the fifth edition of Día Paiz on Tuesday, September 21. This is a day of reflection where students, professors, experts, actors of the conflict and interested public come together in events, discussions and presentations…

The German news and current affairs portal on communication science recently published an interview with CAPAZ Academic Director Prof. Dr. Stefan Peters in connection with the distinction awarded to CAPAZ by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (Bundesministerium…

Lanzamiento Biblioteca musical de la paz
The CAPAZ-supported Peace Music Library will be launched on September 1st at 10:00 am (Colombian time). The platform’s contents are the result of research conducted by Universidad del Rosario, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, the Latin American Institute (LAI) at Freie…