CAPAZ’ most recent Policy Brief is entitled Construyendo la san(a)ción propia: primeros hallazgos y recomendaciones para la imposición de sanciones restaurativas en el caso 005 de la Jurisdicción Especial para la Paz (JEP) (Building self-sanctions: the socialisation of the first…

Voices in exile is a podcast launched by the German group supporting the Truth Commission in Colombia. In this third season, conversations will be held with commissioners of the Truth Commission (CEV). There is particular interest in circulating the CEV’s…

In partnership with founding member Universidad de los Andes, CAPAZ edited and published the book entitled “Truth commissions and gender in countries of the Global South: Decolonial, retrospective and prospective perspectives of transitional justice. Lessons learned for the Colombian case”.

The second season of the “Voices in Exile” podcast is dedicated to Colombians from the art world living in Germany. In this installment Lorena Díaz talks with Laura Jimenez, German-based Colombian performer and director. Laura studied at the Academy of…

After receiving the award as one of the three most successful experiences in science diplomacy granted by the German Federal Ministry of Education in a call titled “Raising the profile of Education and Science Diplomacy”, CAPAZ, is launching two new…