Worth Reading

Segundo capítulo de La Lupa con Inge Valencia y Jonas Wolff sobre violencia a líderes sociales Instituto CAPAZ
As part of our Education and Science Diplomacy project, we are launching the second episode of La Lupa, the project’s third web-based video series. Each episode will provide a brief and thought-provoking look at research topics related to peace in…

Video sobre el intercambio acádemico evento en Medellín Instituto CAPAZ
From 24 to 29 October 2021, thirty researchers from Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru met in the context of the international academic exchange “Political education for peaceful sustainable development”. They met near Medellín, Colombia, at the East campus of Universidad de…

Recent publication by Kai Ambos and Susann Aboueldahab on command responsibility and the Colombian peace process
“Command responsibility has been a contentious issue”, explain researchers Kai Ambos and Susann Aboueldahab in their latest article Command Responsibility and the Colombian Peace Process (2021). The researchers clarify that “the importance of this mode of individual responsibility for the…

Voices in Exile is a forum created by Nodo Alemania the German group supporting the Truth Comission in Colombia. This third season will feature conversations with commissioners of the Truth Commission (CEV). There is a particular interest in circulating the…

We are proud to be launching our first episode of Entre nos! We are proud to be launching Entre Nos as part of our Education and Science Diplomacy Project. Entre nos is a video series in which social or regional…