Policy Brief

Policy Brief CAPAZ sobre la JEP con Kai Ambos y Milena Schellenberger
The latest CAPAZ Policy Brief, First indictment in the JEP: hostage-taking and other serious deprivations of liberty committed by the FARC-EP, was written by Kai Ambos, Professor of Criminal Law and Criminal Procedure, Comparative Law, International Criminal Law and Public…

CAPAZ’ most recent Policy Brief is entitled Construyendo la san(a)ción propia: primeros hallazgos y recomendaciones para la imposición de sanciones restaurativas en el caso 005 de la Jurisdicción Especial para la Paz (JEP) (Building self-sanctions: the socialisation of the first…

Policy Brief género
The latest CAPAZ Policy Brief is entitled “Reflections and recommendations in a decolonial feminist key for the Truth Commission’s final report”. The text was written by a team of researchers including Diana Gómez Correal, Juliana González Villamizar, Auris Camila Murillo…

Policy Brief 5 CAPAZ
In the policy brief: “Intergenerational damage and transmission: contributions for reflection in Colombia”, researchers Juan Pablo Aranguren and Juan Roberto Rengifo provide “some elements of analysis through which to understand intergenerational damage and its associated concepts, in the contexts of…

La Línea Azul editorial del Instituto CAPAZ publica recursos sobre la justicia transicional en Colombia.
The Policy Brief: “Access routes to the Integral System of Truth, Justice, Reparation and Non-Repetition: a preliminary balance sheet” is an interactive document presenting the fundamentals of the Comprehensive System (SIVJRNR) and its components – namely, the Special Jurisdiction for…