The latest CAPAZ Policy Brief is called «Contributions to the agendas of LGBTI organizations and activism in peacebuilding». It gathers the contents of such agendas and suggestions for these organizations to influence public policies and follow up on the commitments…

In this CAPAZ Policy Brief, Dr. Sandra Borda Guzmán explains and analyzes the role of the police in social mobilizations in recent years. The Policy Brief is entitled «Police reform and protest in Colombia» and it belongs to the CAPAZ…

The most recent working paper published by the CAPAZ editorial project, is entitled “Between local and global actors: women in the midst of Colombia’s armed conflict”, and was written by Julia Carolin Sachseder.
Dr. Julia Carolin Sachseder, M.A. is a…

In our first publication of 2022, we present the Policy Brief entitled Beyond the Peace Chair: Impulses for political education from the German experience written by CAPAZ Academic Director Prof. Dr. Stefan Peters and by Nico Weinmann, secondary school German…

The latest Policy Brief in the CAPAZ editorial series is entitled Gender Perspective in the Armed and Security Forces. The text was written by Laura Masson, MA, and PhD in social anthropology from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro.…