
La publicación es de autoría de Carlos Beristain, comisionado de la verdad de colombia.
Colombia’s Truth Commission and its support groups across more than twenty countries, among them Germany, have organised an online presentation of the book entitled “Una maleta colombiana” (A Colombian Suitcase), to be held on Thursday, April 15, 2021, at 10:00…

el curso virtual música, violencia y paz en América Latina es coordinado por la Universidad del Rosario y APAZ
The online session, “A paso de punk: An online walk through the Castilla neighbourhood (Medellín)”, on music, violence and peace in Latin America, is one of the open sessions offered by the CAPAZ School of Online Courses (ECV). Special guests…

El evento hace parte del proyecto apoyado por CAPAZ y liderado  por la Universidad de Ibagué
Professionals in psychology, psychiatry, art therapy, and those interested in the relationship between the psychosocial field and the themes of the Colombian armed conflict can participate in the CAPAZ-supported online roundtable entitled: “Psychosocial contributions for audio-visual production with victims of…

El ciclo de conferencias es organizado por el grupo Janus con apoyo del Instituto CAPAZ y se desarrollará entre abril y mayo de 2021.
From a regional perspective, the second panel of the cycle of online conferences on post-agreement processes in Colombia will address issues relating to the complexity of implementing peace in Colombia’s different regions. The panel “A powerful peace and the regions…

El documento 2-2021 de la Línea Azul del Instituto CAPAZ trata sobre pueblos indígienas, medio ambiente y construcción de paz en Colombia.
The policy brief is entitled: “The Environment  and Indigenous People in the Context of the Armed Conflict and the Peacebuilding Process in Colombia: Implications for the Special Jurisdiction for Peace and International Criminal Justice” and its authors are Ricardo Pereira,…