
La Universidad de los Andes coordinó el curso sobre reconciliación durante la escuela de cursos virtuales del Instituto CAPAZ
Universidad de los Andes is running a course entitled “Pedagogies and Politics of Reconciliation: Limits and Possibilities of a Concept under Debate”, coordinated by Professor José Fernando Serrano. The course examines the origin, development and implementation of the concept of…

El curso música, violencia y paz en América Latina es uno de los cursos gratuitos de la ECV - Escuela de Cursos Virtuales CAPAZ.
The third open session of the online course “Music, Violence and Peace in Latin America”, coordinated by CAPAZ, Universidad del Rosario, and the Institute for Latin American Studies (LAI) at Freie Universität Berlin, will focus on the ancestral musical tradition…

La Línea Azul de CAPAZ incluye documentos y piezas audiovisuales sobre los temas de la justicia transicional en Colombia.
CAPAZ is pleased to present the video that goes with the publication titled: “The Environment  and Indigenous People in the Context of the Armed Conflict and the Peacebuilding Process in Colombia: Implications for the Special Jurisdiction for Peace and International…

La conferencia de Humberto de La Calle es organizada por la Universidad de Caldas, miembro asociado de CAPAZ.
“Peace process: stocktaking, challenges and the future” is the title of the talk to be given by Humberto de la Calle Lombana, head of the Colombian government’s negotiating team during the peace negotiations with the former FARC-EP guerrillas.   The…

El instituto CAPAZ publica periódicamente documentos de trabajo y policy briefs con acceso libre en su página web.
Abstract Although Germany has received only a small proportion of the total number of Colombian migrants in the world, the numbers have risen steadily since the 1960s. In recent years, the number of Colombian asylum seekers has also increased and…