
Foto: Luis Enrique Sierra/CAPAZ
CAPAZ is launching a call for applications for research projects on peacebuilding in Colombia of which it will fund a maximum of seven (7) research projects with a grant of up to €5,000 (five thousand euros) each. The project should…

Solveig Richter fue vocera de la Universidad de Erfurt en el consorcio del Instituto CAPAZ. Hoy día es docente en la universidad de Leipzig.
The news services at the University of Leipzig, Germany, interviewed Solveig Richter and Ralf Leiteritz about the current situation of social demonstrations and public order in Colombia.  Both researchers have worked closely with CAPAZ. Professor Richter is currently Heisenberg Professor…

Susann Aboueldahab es investigadora del CEDPAL de la Universidad de Göttingen, Alemania.
In the publication: “Gender-based persecution as a crime against humanity: A milestone for LGBTI rights before the Colombian Special Jurisdiction for Peace”, available online at EJIL:Talk! (The European Journal of International Law), CEDPAL (Georg-August-Universität Göttingen) researcher, Susann Aboueldahab discusses an…

Nach der Eskalation der Gewalt in den vergangenen Tagen in Kolumbien haben Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler des Instituto Colombo-Alemán para la Paz (CAPAZ) eine Stellungnahme verfasst, in der sie das Recht auf Demonstrations- und Meinungsfreiheit einfordern und die kolumbianische Regierung zum…

Newsletter No. 5 dated May 2021 of the German Association for Latin American Research (ADLAF), of which CAPAZ is a member, highlights CAPAZ’ information services and digital platforms, including NETCAPAZ. Download ADLAF Newsletter No. 5 (.pdf, in Spanish and German)…