
El  Nodo Alemania recibe apoyo del instituto CAPAZ.
  The German group supporting Colombia’s Truth Commission in Germany will be holding its second Forum: «Truths in disagreement: do we know our history or do we refuse to transform it?» on Saturday, June 19, 2021 at 4:00 p.m. (German…

El Nodo Alemania apoya a la Comisión de la Verdad de Colombia en ese país y recibe apoyo del Instituto CAPAZ.
Nodo Alemania will be launching Nora-Christine Braun’s research entitled “Asylum dynamics of Colombians in Germany”, on Wednesday, June 16 2021 at 11:00 a.m. (Colombia), 6:00 p.m. (Germany)”. Moderated by Pilar Mendoza, the author will talk with social worker and interviewer…
READ MORE es una plataforma multimedial y en diferentes idiomas sobre la actualidad alemana.
CAPAZ Academic Director and Professor of Peace Studies at Justus Liebig University, Giessen, Prof. Dr. Stefan Peters talked with Karen Naundorf on the news channel on his five years of managing CAPAZ; his role in the context of the…

Through the Institute for Romance Languages and Literatures (Institut für Romanische Sprachen und Literaturen), the Goethe University Frankfurt am Main in Germany has been appointed as a new CAPAZ associate member. The spokesperson for this institution at CAPAZ will be…

El 8 de junio de 2021, tres organizaciones de mujeres víctimas de violencia sexual entregaron sus informes ante la JEP. El proceso de elaboración y entrega de informes fue apoyado por CAPAZ y MAPP/OEA, esta última organización en acompañamiento de dos de los informes entregados. Acto de entrega de los informes ante la JEP./Foto:
Joint statement Victims’ organisations from Antioquia, Arauca, and Cauca presented their reports on sexual violence before the JEP Bogotá, June 8, 2021. Earlier today, the organizations listed below, presented their reports to the Special Jurisdiction for Peace (JEP): Asociación Mujeres…