
The Willy Brandt School of Public Policy at CAPAZ partner University of Erfurt, published a statement on the current situation and regime change in Afghanistan in which it makes a series of warnings and recommendations addressed to the German Federal…

CAPAZ Administrative Director, Carlos Nupia, will present a poster titled “Building transparency and confidence measures (TCBMs) in post-conflict times in Colombia: Military technologies at the crossroads of civil and war applications” on September 9 at the “Science, Peace, Security 21”…

The question of how to deal with a nation’s violent past is a complicated and often debated one. In the latest instalment of the podcast Acentos Latinoamericanos de Calas (Centre for Advanced Latin American Studies), four researchers met to discuss…

Through the cooperation projects in which it participates, CAPAZ reiterates its commitment to peace, the environment, and the Agenda 2030 sustainable development goals. CAPAZ has a new Science Collaborator for one of these projects —Colombia Connect— who is in charge…

El 8 de junio de 2021, tres organizaciones de mujeres víctimas de violencia sexual entregaron sus informes ante la JEP. El proceso de elaboración y entrega de informes fue apoyado por CAPAZ y MAPP/OEA, esta última organización en acompañamiento de dos de los informes entregados. Foto: Isabel Valdés Arias para la Jurisdicción Especial para La Paz, JEP
Issue No. 57 of the CAPAZ External Information Service – SIE, covers news including a story about Frankfurt University as CAPAZ’ new associate member; a recent working paper on the political philosophy of the former FARC-EP; external publications on forced…