
“Panorama de las personas defensoras de derechos humanos y líderes sociales en riesgo en Colombia 2018-2019” (Outlook for Human Rights Defenders and Social Leaders at Risk in Colombia 2018-2019) is the first Policy Brief published by the German-Colombian Peace Institute…

Prof. Dra. Solvier Richter. Foto: WortMelder, Hochschulkommunikation Universität Erfurt.
For years, Dr. Solveig Richter, junior professor of international conflict management (Juniorprofessorin für International Conflict Management) at Universität Erfurt Willy Brandt School of Public Policy in Germany, has been researching the dynamics of armed conflict around the world. For the…

Salas Salazar, L.G., Camelo, F.E., Wolff, J. (noviembre de 2018). Dinámicas territoriales de la violencia y del conflicto armado antes y después del acuerdo de paz con las FARC-EP. Estudio de caso: municipio de Tumaco, Nariño. Documento de trabajo 1-2018.…

Folleto promocional del simposio en el LAI/FU.
The CAPAZ Institute and the Institute for Latin American Studies (LAI) at Freie Universität Berlin (FU) invite to the International Symposium on political violences and gender, which will take place on 7 and 8 February 2019 in Berlin, Germany. Researchers…

Tapa del reciente libro del Prof. Dr. Peters.
Recent book by Prof. Dr. Stefan Peters The crisis in Venezuela is of major concern to Colombia. The migration of many Venezuelans to Colombia, but also thoughts about a coup d’état or military interventions in Venezuela fill the pages of…