
Mural en memoria de Chucho Peña y Carmenza Landazábal, en las instalaciones de la UIS./ Foto: Prof. Ivonne Suárez.
The Chair for Peace, Coexistence and Citizenship at Universidad Industrial de Santander (UIS) will hold its fifth session entitled “Women’s Participation and Gender Focus” on Friday, February 21, 2020 at 3:00 p.m. in the Ágora Auditorium of the School of…

2020 brings the best news for CAPAZ! The second phase of the institute will be developed from now until 2023.
Dear readers: 2020 brings the best news for CAPAZ! The second phase of the institute will be developed from now until 2023. The project coordinated with CEDPAL and financed by the German Federal Foreign Office is underway and will involve…

Participantes en el congreso de jóvenes investigadoras e investigadores 2019 en Medellín. Foto: U de A
We are pleased to bring you the videos on the Second CAPAZ Young Researchers’ Conference, held in Medellín on November 6 and 7, 2019, and organised by CAPAZ in association with associate member Universidad de Antioquia. The videos produced by…

Latin American Dialogues 2020 in Hofgeismar, Germany AN ENVIRONMENT OF CRISIS: CLIMATE CONFLICTS FROM A LATIN AMERICAN PERSPECTIVE In dialogue with churches, academia, politics and civil society Protestant Academy Hofgeismar, 24-26 January 2020   Science, politics and society around the…

An der Professur für Friedensforschung (Prof. Dr. Stefan Peters), Fachbereich Rechtswissenschaft, ist in einem drittmittelfinanzierten Projekt ab dem nächstmöglichen Zeitpunkt, zunächst befristet bis zum 31.12.2020 eine Teilzeitstelle im Umfang von 50% einer Vollbeschäftigung einer/eines Fremdsprachenassistentin / -assistenten zu besetzen. Ihre…