
Captura DW Online
How close are we to tensions over FARC dissidents turning into a conflict with Venezuela? Full interview of the Spanish-language news services, from Berlin, of the German channel Deutsche Welle interview with CAPAZ Director Prof. Dr. Stefan Peters. (In Spanish,…

DW Online
“It is still impossible to measure the impact of the announcement of the rearmament of the dissident FARC group, but it is time for the Peace Agreement to be a real priority for the government and the entire country, say…

Captura DW Online
“Der Friedensprozess ist nicht tot”, meint hingegen der Direktor des Deutsch-Kolumbianischen Instituts CAPAZ in Bogotá, Stefan Peters, und verweist darauf, dass man nicht wisse, wie viele Kämpfer sich dem Aufruf des Ex-Kommandanten Márquez anschließen werden. Es käme jetzt darauf an,…

Juliana González (der.) en uno de los eventos en Alemania. Foto: cortesía Juliana González
Juliana González Villamizar, CAPAZ science collaborator and doctoral candidate at Justus Liebig University Giessen travelled to Germany in July 2019 to take part in different academic events and activities. Lecture at the KU Eichstätt-Ingolstadt In the workshop on Memory and…

Dr. Carlos Nupia (izq.) y Embajador de Colombia en Alemania. Foto: Carlos Nupia
In his recent visit to Germany, the CAPAZ Administrative Director, Dr. Carlos Nupia had a varied agenda of activities with different institutions and universities. Dr. Nupia met with the Colombian Ambassador to Germany, Hans-Peter Knudsen, the Association of German Foundations…