
Cover W&F, 2019-4
Der zerbrochene Spiegel des Krieges Der kolumbianische Bürgerkrieg im Werk von Jesús Abad Colorado von Claudia Maya und Stefan Peters Kolumbien ist ein von Gewalt gezeichnetes Land. Auch deshalb waren die Hoffnungen auf ein Ende der Gewalt nach der Unterzeichnung…

De izquierda a derecha: Alberto de Castro, Gabriel Cómez, Camilo Borrero, Juliette Vargas, Stefan Peters, Rafael Grasa, Reinere Jaramillo / Foto: Uninorte
The seminar “Peacebuilding in an unequal country: challenges for Colombia three years after the Final Agreement“ took place on October 23 and 24, 2019. The event was organised by CAPAZ and the Institute for Latin American and Caribbean Studies at…

Portada de Das Lateinamerika-Magazin (ila) No. 429, Octubre 2019
The German-Colombian Peace Institute – CAPAZ would like to highlight Linda Helfsreich’s interview with Carlos Martín Beristain, a member of Colombia’s Truth Commission. The interview appears in issue 429 of “Das Lateinamerika- Magazin” (German magazine “Latin America”) published in early…

Imagen tomada de RTVC
Under the general picture given by the Ombudsman’s early warning for the elections on October 27, Carlos Chica, director of the radio program “¿Por qué será?!“, proposes a conversation with an analytical approach to the risks that this announcement represents…

Isabel Zuleta (izq.) y Juliette Vargas
On August 26, 2019, a disturbing early warning was issued regarding the risk currently faced by members of Movimiento Ríos Vivos, especially Isabel Cristina Zuleta, leader and founder of the movement. On August 29, 2019, the CAPAZ Institute spoke with…