
Investigadores y representantes de la Dirección de Conocimiento de la CEV. Foto: Valentina Pardo
In cooperation with CEDPAL, the German-Colombian Peace Institute – CAPAZ will strengthen the work of the Directorate of Knowledge of the Commission for the Clarification of Truth, Coexistence and Non-Repetition (CEV) by hiring Luis Carlos Sánchez and Luis Miguel Buitrago,…

Captura de pantalla hr-iNFO online
Mass protests on the streets of Santiago de Chile, Quito, La Paz, and other cities; the seemingly unstoppable wave of Venezuelan migration, mainly to neighbouring Colombia and, recently, the resignation and exile to Mexico of Bolivia’s President Evo Morales. “Der…

Portada del documento de trabajo CAPAZ 4-2019
“For over thirty years, I have been working as a memory artist and have tried to develop, often in joint projects with Andreas Knitz, new forms of the monument. Our works became known as negative monuments (Negativ-Denkmale in German) or…

Portada de Doing Business, edición 100
In November 2019, the German-Colombian Chamber of Commerce (AHK) published the 100th edition of its magazine Doing Business. The magazine circulates in Colombia with the newspaper Portafolio, one of the most popular economic and business news publications in Colombia. As…

El presente Policy Brief, publicado en noviembre de 2019 por el Instituto Colombo-Alemán para la Paz – CAPAZ (5-2019) brinda algunos elementos conceptuales para entender la compleja relación entre producción de conocimiento y construcción de paz, y plantea recomendaciones para…