
(Bogotá). Das Deutsch-Kolumbianische Friedensinstitut (Instituto CAPAZ) hat vom Auswärtigen Amt Fördermittel in Höhe von ca. 138.000,- Euro zur Finanzierung der akademischen Begleitung und Unterstützung der Arbeit der kolumbianischen Wahrheitskommission (Comisión para el Esclarecimiento de la Verdad, la Convivencia y la…

Cover of the guide. Universidad del Cauca
We are pleased to present the guide entitled: “Guardias indígenas, afrodescendientes, campesinas. Trayectos y desafíos, departamento del Cauca” (Indigenous, Afro-descendant and peasant women Guards. Trajectories and challenges in the department of Cauca), a publication by authors Axel Rojas and Vanessa…

2020 brings the best news for CAPAZ! The second phase of the institute will be developed from now until 2023.
Dear readers: 2020 brings the best news for CAPAZ! The second phase of the institute will be developed from now until 2023. The project coordinated with CEDPAL and financed by the German Federal Foreign Office is underway and will involve…

Kai Ambos is speaker of the University of Göttingen/CEDPAL at the CAPAZ Institute. Foto: Kai Ambos
The Colombian news magazine Semana talked to German jurist, Prof. Dr. Kai Ambos about the two years of managing the Special Peace Jurisdiction (JEP) after its creation, as a result of the signing of the peace agreements between the Colombian…

CAPAZ Academic Director Prof. Dr. Stefan Peters, was consulted by the German international news network Deutsche Welle (DW) about the threats to and murders of female and male social leaders in Colombia in the early days of 2020. In the…