
El Día Mundial del Refugiado se conmemora cada junio.
Refugee Day is commemorated around the world every year in June. In different latitudes and for complex and diverse reasons, thousands of people are forced to leave their place of origin or residence to go into exile or take refuge…

The ADLAF Association has renewed its website and in issue No. 6 (June 2021) of its monthly newsletter, highlights CAPAZ’ organisation of and participation in events on international contexts such as the elections in Peru and the colloquium on Latin…

“Marx, Mao, and Marulanda: on the history of political ideas in the FARC” – Bogotá, Colombia, June 2021   Author/researcher: David Graaff. With an MA in Latin American Regional Studies from the University of Cologne and a PhD candidate in Latin…

“Unlikely dialogues” is the title of the project led by CAPAZ-founding member, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana (PUJ), together with Sheffield University in the UK, and CINEP in Colombia. The project is led by researchers Simon Rushton (Sheffield University) and Jefferson Jaramillo…

Deutschlan.de es una plataforma multimedial y en diferentes idiomas sobre la actualidad alemana.
CAPAZ Academic Director and Professor of Peace Studies at Justus Liebig University, Giessen, Prof. Dr. Stefan Peters talked with Karen Naundorf on the news channel Deutschland.de on his five years of managing CAPAZ; his role in the context of the…