
Kai Ambos opina en columna en Revista Semana sobre decisión de competencia de la Corte Penal Internacional CPI en casos en Palestina. Kai Ambos en Revista Semana
“A solid jurisdictional foundation? The fragile jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court for crimes in Palestine” is the title of the recent column written by Prof. Dr. Kai Ambos for Semana magazine. The text notes that “the ICC’s territorial jurisdiction…

academixsenriesgo homepage website Imagen de la página de inicio o homepage del portal web academicxsenriesgo.org
CAPAZ is pleased to present its new website:  www.academicxsenriesgo.org This initiative has been conceived by researchers Francesca Lessa and Rosario Figari Layús, the latter, a CAPAZ collaborator from her postdoctoral position for the Chair of Peace Studies at the Justus…

Portada cover del Portada/Cover PB1-2021, Línea Azul
We are pleased to present our first 2021 Policy Brief published by the CAPAZ editorial Línea Azul, on the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic on the Comprehensive System. The following is an excerpt from the publication:   Extract:  “This Policy…

Stefan Peters y Peter Ptassek durante la entrega oficial de la ampliación del proyecto JEP y CEV con CAPAZ y CEDPAL. Febrero de 2021 Stefan Peters y Peter Ptassek durante la firma de la ampliación del proyecto el 10 de febrero de 2021 en Bogotá. Foto: Embajada de Alemania en Colombia
CAPAZ will continue its academic work on transitional justice in Colombia, accompanying the mandates of the Special Jurisdiction for Peace (JEP) and the Commission for the Clarification of the Truth (CEV) in Colombia. Thanks to funding being extended for the…

Eleonora Lozano Decana Facultad de Derecho Universidad de los Andes
By decision of the university’s Steering Committee, Eleonora Lozano Rodríguez has been appointed Dean of the School of Law at Universidad de los Andes for a two-year term, effective as from February 1, 2021. Lozano holds a master’s degree in…