
¿Dónde están? Imagen: video CALAS
“And, nevertheless, being together, engaging in dialogue, having the space to meet and to be with specialists in this search, each in his or her own discipline, is guiding us”. Nora Cortiñas. Línea Fundadora Madres de Plaza de Mayo, Argentina…

Flyer promocional UR
UR Intercultural, a programme run by the Centre for Peace at Universidad del Rosario intended to promote the dialogue of knowledge and the inclusion of ethnic peoples, invites those interested to the forthcoming session of its permanent research seminar with…

Afiche de la Cátedra UIS, Sesión No. 7. Cortesía: UIS
The Chair for Peace, Coexistence and Citizenship at Universidad Industrial de Santander (UIS) will hold its seventh session entitled,“Youth, memory and conflict” on Friday, March 6, 2020 at 3:00 p.m. at the UIS in Bucaramanga (Auditorio Fundadores of the School…

Stefan Peters denunció la existencia de subregistros por parte de los Estados y, a la vez, hizo hincapié en analizar el fenómeno de la desaparición más allá de las cifras. Foto: UdeG
CAPAZ was one of the organisers of the Platform for Dialogue entitled: “Political repression, forced disappearance and resilience strategies in contexts of inequality”, held on 26 and 27 February 2020 at Universidad de Guadalajara. The event consisted of six thematic…

Afiche promocional sesión 8 - Cátedra UIS
The Chair for Peace, Coexistence and Citizenship at Universidad Industrial de Santander (UIS) will hold its eighth session entitled, “Special Jurisdiction for Peace”on Friday, March 13, 2020 at 3:00 p.m. Carolina Rubio Sguerra, Territorial link for the Special Jurisdiction for…