
Logo Colombia Connect
The new German-Colombian academic network Colombia CONNECT, funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) for the 2021-2024 period, will support research projects and institutional initiatives with social-political, environmental and economic impact in Colombia. Coordinated by Prof.…

Matriz del Instituto Kroc sobre acuerdo de paz en Colombia
The Kroc Institute provides technical support for the follow-up and verification of the implementation of the Final Agreement, through the Peace Agreement Matrix Barometer Initiative (PAM).  The first report on the status of implementation of the ethnic approach will be…

Flyer promocional conversatorio online Laura Restrepo y Helena Urán Bidegain
The German-Colombian Peace Institute – CAPAZ, Universidad del Rosario in Bogotá, and the Justus Liebig University Giessen in Germany have organised an online discussion with Laura Restrepo and Helena Urán Bidegain on the subject of memory and the Colombian armed…

  The Colombian Truth Commission supported by the German-Colombian Peace Institute – CAPAZ and the Kroc Institute, calls for a dialogue of knowledge to cast light on certain experiences of coexistence and transformation in Colombia. The next meeting will be…

The most recent CAPAZ online academic event will deal with a subject that is always current, critical, and has complex implications for academia. “La academia en la mira: violencia contra investigadoras e investigadores en América Latina” (Academia in the spotlight:…