ECCHR reicht Strafanzeige bei der Bundesanwaltschaft ein Sexua­li­sierte Kriegs­ge­walt vor deut­schen Gerichten Die Bundesanwaltschaft ist eine Vorreiterin bei der Verfolgung internationaler Verbrechen. Das gilt jedoch nicht für sexualisierte und geschlechtsspezifische Gewalt. Diese Lücke in der Ermittlungsstrategie bedeutet einen Rückschritt, meint…

CAPAZ associate member, Universidad de Caldas announces its call for applications for the Master’s Degree in Social Justice and Peacebuilding. The academic programme is run by the School of Legal and Social Sciences at Universidad de Caldas. Its purpose is…

Issue No. 27 of Revista Ópera produced by Universidad Externado de Colombia, one of the CAPAZ founder members, has just been published. This issue on science, knowledge and peace, was co-edited by Alejandro Balanzó, Juan Pablo Centeno and CAPAZ Administrative…

The Investigation and Prosecution Unit of the Special Jurisdiction for Peace (JEP), in association with Pontificia Universidad Javeriana (PUJ), has designed the new “Sistema de Monitoreo de Riesgos y Prevención de Afectaciones a los Derechos Humanos en Colombia” (Monitoring System…

For a few months in the first semester of 2020, four students from Germany and Colombia –Daniela, Ximena, Emily and Carlos Andrés– supported CAPAZ in its various activities, including administration, communication, and research within the institute. We would like to…