Vista aérea de la región del Tolima. Foto: Claudia Maya
Presentation CAPAZ and Universidad Nacional de Colombia open the present call for papers to invite professors, researchers, academics from different academies and institutions (the editors will promote a multiparty participation in each chapter). The purpose of this is to reflect…

Universidad Popular del Cesar, Universidad del Valle, Universidad de Antioquia, and the Governance and Peace Board of the State University System (SUE) extend an invitation to the online event: “Meaningful experiences of reincorporation and territorial peacebuilding”. The event will run…

“Mercado clandestino de conocimiento y no-conocimiento útil” (The underground market of useful knowledge and non-knowledge) was an event held in Bogotá on November 23, 2019. In it, experts met to talk about art, peace, conflict, culture and life in Colombia…

The radio episode of the series called “¡This is how you build peace! Experiences from the Territories” will be broadcast on Friday, July 3, 2020, at 3:00 p.m. as part of this CAPAZ-supported initiative. This episode of the “Living Thought”…

Home-Office, Hygienevorschriften, Vermeidung sozialer Kontakte: Für viele Länder des globalen Südens sind diese allseits eingeforderten Corona-Präventionsnahmen realitätsfern. Welche Risiken birgt die Krise um Covid-19 für die soziale Stabilität und brüchige Friedensprozesse in diesen Ländern? Wie lassen sich eine wirtschaftliche und…