CAPAZ Working Paper: “The right to the progressive access to the land ownership”
The German-Colombian Peace Institute CAPAZ recently published its first working paper in 2019 entitled: “El derecho al acceso progresivo a la propiedad de la tierra” (The right to the progressive access to the land ownership), written by Diana Carolina Sanabria Ramírez, doctoral student of public law in the University of Konstanz in Germany.
The paper analyzes the extent of the Article 64 of the Political Constituttion of Colombia, which refers to the fundamental right of the farmers progressive access to land. The document also discusses the problem of high tenure concentrations in fewer hands as an obstacle for the compliance of the Article 64 and it analyzes if the current legal system privileges the right to property of people who concentrate the land.
This working paper is the first of the editorial plan of the CAPAZ Institute in 2019 and contributes to the consolidation of the research area of territorial peace and social inequalities.
CAPAZ Working Paper 1-2019 (available only in Spanish).
Further information is available in the publications section of the CAPAZ website.