CAPAZ Policy Brief 8-2020: CAPAZ Policy Brief 8-2020: Environmental democracy, popular consultations and territorial peace in Colombia
“This document describes the characteristics of popular consultations as a mechanism of environmental democracy, their activation at municipal level in recent years to decide on extractive activities, and the ambivalent response of the State. This is followed by a reflection on the relationship between environmental democracy and territorial peace in the framework of the Final Agreement for the End of the Conflict and the Construction of a Stable and Lasting Peace signed in 2016, and finally, a discussion of the results of the debate with social movements on the above concepts. It concludes with some recommendations on how the debate on environmental democracy should be oriented”.
Read Policy Brief CAPAZ 8-2020 (.pdf, in Spanish)
María Cecilia Roa. Assistant Professor at the Interdisciplinary Centre for Development Studies, Universidad de los Andes, Colombia. Her research topics converge around the political ecology of water and the democratization and environmental justice. Contact: mc.roag@uniandes.edu.co
Kristina Dietz. Doctor of political science awarded by the University of Kassel, Germany. Her areas of work include: environmental policies; political ecology; land conflicts and mining; democracy and social movements. Contact: kristina.dietz@uni-kassel.de
(Text: PB8-2020. English: Tiziana Laudato)