CAPAZ Policy Brief 7-2020 (Línea azul): How do victims participate before JEP?

PB7-2020 Portada/Cover
Researchers Juliette Vargas Trujillo and Juliana Galindo Villareal are the authors of policy recommendation document number seven, published by the CAPAZ and CEDPAL (attached to the University of Göttingen) publishing series “Línea Azul”.
“(…) This Policy Brief identifies the principles and guarantees that ensure the participation of victims before the JEP, in accordance with current regulations and jurisprudence, as well as their scope and gaps for effective participation with a restorative purpose. This basic guide is addressed to victims and organisations, and is also intended to serve as a reference for decision-makers and the general public”.
Access the Policy Brief 7-2020 CAPAZ (Línea Azul, .pdf in Spanish)
Juliana Galindo Virrareal holds a BA in Law and a BA in Political Science from Universidad de los Andes (Colombia), a specialisation in human rights and IHL from Universidad Externado de Colombia, and a Master’s in Development Studies (Graduate Institute of Geneva). She is currently associated with the Guernica Centre for International Justice. Contact: julianag@guernica37.com
Línea azul
Línea Azul publications are part of the CAPAZ and CEDPAL joint project called: “Stabilisation of peace in Colombia through justice and truth”, intended to contribute to the strengthening of the Comprehensive System of Truth, Justice, Reparation and Non-Repetition (SIVJRNR) within the framework of the peace process in Colombia. CAPAZ, CEDPAL, the Special Jurisdiction for Peace (JEP) and the Commission for the Clarification of the Truth all work together in the project. Línea Azul documents are designed to promote the circulation of knowledge on issues that affect the development of the mandate of the institutions in the SIVJRNR, among the non-jurisdictional or non-expert public in transitional justice.
Juliette Vargas, Juliana Galindo. How do victims participate in the JEP? CAPAZ, CEDPAL. Policy Brief 7-2020: Bogotá, November 2020. 18 p. ISSN: 2711-0346
(NW Text: Claudia Maya. English: Tiziana Laudato)