CAPAZ Policy Brief 1-2020: Patterns of cooperation between reintegrated FARC-EP members and communities

Cover of the CAPAZ PB1-2020
CAPAZ is pleased to present its first Policy Brief of 2020, entitled: “El nivel local sí hace la diferencia! Patrones de cooperación entre reincorporados de las FARC-EP y comunidades afectadas por el conflicto” (The local level does make a difference! Patterns of cooperation between reincorporated FARC-EP members and communities affected by the conflict).
“The Policy Brief has been designed to help formulate policy recommendations for both the Colombian government and the international community to adjust the current reintegration policy with a view to implementing the 2016 Peace Accords. To do so, we describe the current dynamics of the reintegration process, integrating the perspective of the communities affected by the armed conflict”.
Laura Camila Barrios Sabogal. BA in Government and International Relations. MA in Public Policy, specialising in Conflict Studies and Management. Director of the MA in Conflict, Memory and Peace at the Universidad del Rosario. Former advisor to the Director of the GIZ Cooperation Agency in Colombia. Contact: laurac.barrios@urosario.edu.co
Johana Botia Díaz. BA in Economics. MA in Public Policy with an emphasis on Conflict Studies and Management. Support professional at the United Nations Mine Action Service in Colombia. Researcher at the University of Erfurt and Universidad Industrial de Santander. Contact: johana.bottia@gmail.com
Andrés Restrepo Correa. BA in Sociology and Education. MA in Conflicts, Territories and Cultures. Researcher at Centro de Estudios Regionales del Sur CERSUR. Huila Territorial Coordinator of the Truth Commission in Colombia. Former liaison officer for the Office of the High Commissioner for Peace. Contact: andresrestrepocorrea@gmail.com
Solveig Richter. BA in Political Science, specialising in Peace and Conflict Studies. Junior Professor of International Conflict Management. Spokesperson of the Willy Brandt School of Public Policy, University of Erfurt, for CAPAZ. Contact: solveig.richter@uni-erfurt.de
CAPAZ Policy Brief 1-2020 (in Spanish, .pdf)
Barrios Sabogal, L.C., Bottia Díaz, J., Restrepo Correa, A. Richter, S. El nivel local sí hace la diferencia! Patrones de cooperación entre reincorporados de las FARC-EP y comunidades afectadas por el conflicto (The local level does make a difference! Patterns of cooperation between reincorporated FARC-EP members and communities affected by the conflict). CAPAZ, PB 1-2020. Bogotá, February 2020, 12 p. ISSN: 2711-0346
(NW: Claudia Maya. English version: Tiziana Laudato)