CAPAZ Institute press release on the theft of the CEV recordings

Foto: Comisión de la Verdad
Photo: Truth Commission
CAPAZ issued an official statement on the incident of February 19, 2022, where digital recorders and a computer were stolen from the home of the investigator of the Commission for the Clarification of Truth, Coexistence and Non-Repetition (CEV), Eduardo Andrés Celis Rodríguez. Mr. Celis accompanied commissioner Alejandro Valencia Villa in the interviews with Dairo Úsuga, alias “Otoniel”, and the event took place after the commissioner and the investigator were removed without prior notice from an interview session with Usuga.
CAPAZ stands in solidarity with the CEV and rejects any act that undermines the investigative work leading to the clarification of the truth about the armed conflict in Colombia. Listening to people involved in the armed conflict is a key part of the CEV’s mandate and is fundamental to understanding collective responsibilities, the dynamics of the armed conflict, and its persistence.