The journal of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) DAAD Aktuell recently published an interview with the Academic Director of the CAPAZ Institute, Prof. Dr. Stefan Peters.
Peters highlighted the importance of education in the transitional society in Colombia, especially in those rural regions of the country where the armed conflict was most present.
In the interwiew Peters made an analysis on the progress and difficultiesof the implementation of the agreements between the Colombian government and the guerrilla FARC-EP. He discussed his perception of the future of peace during the government of Ivan Duque and outlined the work of the CAPAZ Institute in this context.
Read the interview with DAAD Aktuell: Den Friedensprozess in Kolumbien unterstützen (Supporting the Peace Process in Colombia, in German).
CAPAZ in the scientific journal of JLU
In its October issue 2018, the science journal of the Justus Liebig University Giessen (JLU) Forum Forschung published a detailed interview with the academic director of CAPAZ.
Prof. Dr. Peters explained the meaning and practical involvement of research in peace studies and other related fields like peaceful conflict resolution or peacebuilding.
He highlighted the implications of the Final Agreement in Colombia, its implementation under the government of Ivan Duque and the need to promote peace between skeptics.
Peters explained how CAPAZ contributes to peacebuildingthroughits academic work and the dynamics of the academic cooperation between Germany and Colombia.
Read Prof. Dr. Stefan Peters’ interview with Forum Forschung: Dialog für den Frieden(Dialogue for Peace, in German).