CAPAZ funds seven new research projects for the 2019-2020 period
The German-Colombian Peace Institute (CAPAZ) is pleased to publish the results of its 2019 call for research projects. We would like to highlight that of the 100 or more applications received, only 42 fulfilled the requirements for the call. Finally, seven projects were selected to receive funding in the 2019-2020 period.
The following are the results of this selection, organised according to the CAPAZ-supported thematic areas of research:
I. Thematic axis: peace building
(1) Local archive management for peacebuilding in Buenaventura, Colombia. Participating institutions: Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Katholische Universität Eichstätt-Ingolstädt, Fundescodes. Coordinator: Jefferson Jaramillo (Pontificia Universidad Javeriana).
(2) Peace education: systematisation of peace education experiences in municipalities with Territorial Training and Reincorporation Spaces (ETCR). Participating institutions: Freie Universität Berlin, Universidad de los Andes. Coordinator: José Darío Herrera (Universidad de los Andes).
II. Thematic axis: Peace, conflicts and territorial reconfigurations
(3) Violence and local political orders in the post-agreement period: Analysis of the assassination of social leaders in Colombia. Participating institutions: Universidad ICESI, Leibniz-Institut Hessische Stiftung Friedens- und Konfliktforschung in Frankfurt (HSFK). Coordinator: Juan Guillermo Albarracín (Universidad ICESI).
(4) Development for whom? Possible socio-economic effects of the construction of the Port in Tribugá, perspectives from women of African descent in the region. Participating institutions: Freie Universität Berlin, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Universidad Tecnológica del Chocó, Lateinamerikanische Frauen Initiative Neukölln. Coordinator: Edna Yiced Martínez (Freie Universität Berlin).
(5) Territorial peace and local elections. Participating institutions: Universidad de los Andes, Philips-Universität Marburg. Coordinator: Michael Weintraub (Universidad de los Andes).
III. Thematic axis: Transitional justice
(6) Follow-up and feedback on gender mainstreaming in the Truth Commission in the Caribbean macro-region. Participating institutions: Universidad de los Andes, Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen, Universidad Nacional de Colombia – Sede Caribe, Colectivo Feministas Emancipatorias, Red de Mujeres del Caribe. Coordinator: Diana Marcela Gómez (Universidad de los Andes).
(7) Repairs with emancipatory purposes in transitional contexts: Effective inclusion of victims in Caldono, Cauca. Participating institutions: Universidad ICESI, Universidad del Cauca, Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg. Coordinator: Diana Patricia Quintero (Universidad ICESI).
Download the document with the results (in Spanish)
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(Text NW12-2020: Juliana González Villamizar, Claudia Maya, Carlos Nupia. English version: Tiziana Laudato)