Caldono, Cauca: Educational experiences of peace from the “Living Thought” (Pensamiento Vivo) radio cycle
The radio episode of the series called “¡This is how you build peace! Experiences from the Territories” will be broadcast on Friday, July 3, 2020, at 3:00 p.m. as part of this CAPAZ-supported initiative.
This episode of the “Living Thought” (Pensamiento vivo) series is devoted to Caldono, Cauca, and includes the experiences of the following:
- The Kwesx Uma Kiwe comprehensive community training institute’s school council and school guard for the defence of the territory (Infikuk)
- Kwesx Uma Kiwe comprehensive community training institute peace unit (Infikuk) – CEFIC
You can follow the conversation on Pluriverso Narrativo’s Facebook platform and Pluriverso Radio at: www.pluriversonarrativo.com
For more information on the radio broadcasts / More information on the CAPAZ-supported initiative
(NW Text: Claudia Maya. English version: Tiziana Laudato)