This encounter, organized by the Embassy of Colombia in Germany, the German Colombian Peace Institute (CAPAZ), and Nodo Alemania, aims to contribute to the construction of truth and memory, raising awareness among civil society and German authorities about the effects…
Am 23. Januar 2023 fand ein Arbeitsfrühstück des Instituts für Agrarrecht der Universität Göttingen als Vertreter des CAPAZ-Instituts mit der kolumbianischen Ministerin für Landwirtschaft und ländliche Entwicklung, Cecilia López, in der kolumbianischen Botschaft in Berlin statt.
Auf kolumbianischer Seite waren…
This event is part of a CAPAZ 2020 – 2021 research project entitled: “Mass violence against indigenous peoples in Cauca: between genocide and crimes against humanity” by professors Gustavo Emilio Cote Bargo and Lorena Cecilia Vega Dueñas of Universidad Javeriana,…
FONAS (Forschungsverbund Naturwissenschaft, Abrüstung und internationale Sicherheit) and TraCe (Transformations of Political Violence) call for papers for the interdisciplinary conference on science, peace, and security to be held in Darmstadt in September this year.
This interdisciplinary conference examines the impact,…
The CAPAZ Institute held its last two activities in Germany from December 17 to 21, 2022, in order to meet and discuss research and projects with social impact in Peru, Colombia, Ecuador, and Germany, around central themes of the realities…