The most recent Policy Brief published by the editorial project of the German-Colombian Peace Institute – CAPAZ is called «Fighting Corruption in the Security Sector for Sustainable Peace». It was written by the Working Group on Armed State Actors and…
The most recent Policy Brief published by the editorial project of the German-Colombian Peace Institute – CAPAZ is called «Successes and Failures of Police Reforms in the Contemporary World». It was written by Manuela Nilsson.
Manuela Nilsson is Associate Professor…
In der Woche vom 3. bis zum 6. April 2023 fand in Gießen die Spring School “Basic principles for peace and sustainable development in Ukraine and beyond” statt, welche von der Professur für Friedensforschung der JLU Gießen in Kooperation mit…
Stefan Peters konnte mit seiner Expertise zu der Folge “Spezial: Wie eine Landreform Kolumbien befrieden soll” des Nachrichtenpodcasts “Was Jetzt?” der ZEIT ONLINE beitragen. In diesem Spezial beleuchtet der Journalist Jannis Carmesin die Zusammenhänge zwischen der ungleichen Landverteilung in Kolumbien…
On one of the stops on their trip to Brazil and Colombia, German Ministers Robert Habeck (Vice Chancellor and Minister of Economy) and Cem Özdemir (Agriculture) visited the CAPAZ offices in Bogota. The ministers were received in the Claustro de…