
CAPAZ at Ciudad Global 2021 – Viva Alemania in Medellín

Medellín’s Instituto Tecnológico Metropolitano (ITM) has been holding the Global City event every year since 2012. The event consists of a week of academic, cultural, and artistic events organised to promote the exchange of knowledge and intercultural dialogue with a…

Truth commissions and gender: A book edited by CAPAZ and Uniandes

In partnership with founding member Universidad de los Andes, CAPAZ edited and published the book entitled “Truth commissions and gender in countries of the Global South: Decolonial, retrospective and prospective perspectives of transitional justice. Lessons learned for the Colombian case”.  …

Uniandes note on the CAPAZ School of Online Courses

CAPAZ offered a course called Pedagogies and Politics of Reconciliation in its last School of Online Courses (ECV) cycle.  The course was run in alliance with Universidad de Los Andes as part of the research project Transforming social injustices and…