At the end of 2021, the DAAD Centre of Excellence for International Scientific Cooperation (KIWi) and the German Rectors’ Conference (HRK), hosted an online event where academics and researchers from the education sector discussed the importance of maintaining and promoting…
“Command responsibility has been a contentious issue”, explain researchers Kai Ambos and Susann Aboueldahab in their latest article Command Responsibility and the Colombian Peace Process (2021). The researchers clarify that “the importance of this mode of individual responsibility for the…
The latest CAPAZ Policy Brief, First indictment in the JEP: hostage-taking and other serious deprivations of liberty committed by the FARC-EP, was written by Kai Ambos, Professor of Criminal Law and Criminal Procedure, Comparative Law, International Criminal Law and Public…
CAPAZ, in partnership with the UN Verification Mission and with a number of partner universities launched the courses “Human Rights for Peace” and “Formulation, management and evaluation of social projects”. These are part of a training strategy for former mid-level…
As part of our Science Diplomacy project, we are launching the first episode of La Lupa, the project’s third web-based video series. Each episode will provide a brief and thought-provoking look at research topics related to peace in Colombia.