
Political education in CAPAZ OnePager #10

The CAPAZ Education and Science Diplomacy project continues on with its OnePagers. This, the tenth, is entitled “Forum for Peace. An initiative of peace education and citizen participation in Eastern Antioquia”. The OnePager describes the Foro por la Paz project,…

“A paso de tesis”, with Lisbeth Katherine Duarte Herrera

Lisbeth Katherine Duarte Herrera is a political scientist from Universidad Nacional de Colombia (Medellin). She has a master’s degree in social sciences and a specialization in municipal development from Colegio Mexiquense A.C. She is currently doing her PhD in social…

Call for knowledge management cases for/about peace

Knowledge management in institutions working for or on peace is a challenge that emerged with the signing of the peace agreement between the Colombian government and the FARC-EP. Hundreds of reports and analyses produced databases and geographic information systems condensing…