Im Rahmen der Ringvorlesung zur Geschichte und Erinnerung der Gewalt und Konflikte in Lateinamerika möchten wir Ihnen mitteilen, dass der Vortrag von Prof. Dr. Stefan Peters, Direktor des Deutsch-Kolumbianischen Friedensinstitut – CAPAZ, der ursprünglich für den 6. Oktober 2020 geplant…
The support groups for the Colombian Truth Commission in Germany and Belgium – Nodo Alemania and Nodo Bélgica – extend an invitation to those interested to join the online workshop with Virgelina Chará, a member of the Colombian Union of…
“Ein Institut für den Frieden” reza el título original en alemán del artículo publicado recientemente por el Servicio Alemán de Intercambio Académico (DAAD) en su portal web, al referirse a la labor del Instituto Colombo-Alemán para la Paz – CAPAZ.…
Actors representing different universities and think tanks, civil society, politics, and German cooperation in Colombia will hold talks and discussions at the “Research and inter-university dialogue meeting 2020: academia and society”, organised by CAPAZ and Universidad Nacional de Colombia in…
“A view of peace from the international context” is the title of the dialogue between the CAPAZ Academic Director, Prof. Dr. Stefan Peters and Prof. Richard Pétris, founder and president of the School of Peace in Grenoble, France. Prof. Peters’…