As part of the international seminar on the history and memory of violence and conflicts in Latin America, Prof. Dr. Barbara Potthast will give her lecture on the role of women in armed conflicts in the region, from a historical…
CAPAZ associate member Universidad del Norte in Barranquilla, calls on interested parties to join Cátedra Europa 2020, a longstanding event that this year, in its 23rd version, will be held online.
Cátedra Europa 2020 will run from October 13 to…
CAPAZ associate member Universidad de Antioquia has set up an academic cooperation project together with the University of Groningen in the Netherlands, focusing on peace, conflict, and reconciliation studies.
At the graduate and doctoral level, this academic cooperation has led…
Kolumbianischer Anthropologe setzt seine wissenschaftliche Tätigkeit nach Morddrohungen in Deutschland fort
PM 51, 7.10.2020
Der kolumbianische Anthropologe Prof. Lerber Dimas ist aufgrund seiner Forschungen zur Gewalt in Kolumbien Morddrohungen von paramilitärischen Gruppen ausgesetzt. Nun wird er seine wissenschaftliche Tätigkeit in…