Author:Claudia Maya

PDET and the pandemic: A necessary debate

One hundred and seventy municipalities—prioritised as the most vulnerable and severely affected by the armed conflict—in Colombia are implementing Development Programs with a Territorial-Based Focus (PDET). These municipalities also present the highest poverty rates, illegal economies, and weak or mostly…

Sonidos por la vida: campaña de CAPAZ y Goethe-Institut

15 artistas de diferentes regiones colombianas participan en la campaña “Sonidos por la vida” para manifestarse a favor de la vida, la paz y la reconciliación. A raíz del escalamiento de la violencia en Colombia, el Instituto CAPAZ y el…

CAPAZ’s Academic Director led UPC’s Peace Chair course

CAPAZ Academic Director and Professor of Peace Studies at Justus Liebig University, Giessen, Prof. Dr. Stefan Peters, taught one of the classes in the “Mirror Psychology” program at Universidad Popular del Cesar (UPC) to more than one hundred students from…