Professor of the history of Latin American Catholicism, Rodolfo de Roux, SJ will be a guest speaker at the international seminar on the history and memory of violence and conflict in Latin America, with his talk entitled “Religion and revolution.…
En su edición No. 10/2020, el boletín de la asociación ADLAF (Arbeitsgemeinschaft deutsche Lateinamerikaforschung) destaca eventos y novedades del Instituto Colombo-Alemán para la Paz – CAPAZ. La Asociación Alemana de Investigación sobre América Latina es agrupa institutos de investigación, investigadoras…
Sinopsis de Mi vida y el Palacio: 6 y 7 de noviembre de 1985:
“Lo perdido tan solo puede ser recuperado por aquellos que están conectados con el pasado, por aquellos que lo saben escuchar. Para Walter Benjamin existe…
“It wasn’t a lecture but a dialogue in which, rather than talking about stories that justify the actions of those responsible, the latter tried to respond by talking about their life and their reasons for trying to build peace and…
“Places of memory of State violences in Latin America” is the title of Dr. Eugenia Allier Montaño‘s lecture, in which she offers a reading of State actions or omissions in the complex dynamics of violence and conflicts in the region.…