Author:Carlos Nupia

Kai Ambos is speaker of the University of Göttingen/CEDPAL at the CAPAZ Institute.

“The attack on truth and (historical) memory”: Kai Ambos

“The Centro Democrático’s proposal to add a Transitional Article 5A to the Constitution to confidential information related to national security  is probably the most forthright attack on a transitional justice system the world has ever seen.” Thus begins the harsh…

CAPAZ joins Semana por la Paz

The German-Colombian Peace Institute – CAPAZ will take part in Semana por la Paz, that will take place from September 2 – 9 2018 all over Colombia. As part of the events, CAPAZ invites participants to the roundtable “Perspectivas para…

CAPAZ meets directors and researchers at Universidad de Ibagué

The CAPAZ strategy for working more closely with regional universities continued last week with Dr. Carlos Nupia’s -the Administrative Director- visit to Universidad de Ibagué. Dr. Nupia met with the University Chancellor, Dr. Hans-Peter Knudsen and Vice-Chancellor, Dr. Diana Velasco,…