Author:Carlos Nupia

Boletín/Newsletter CAPAZ No. 4 – Febrero/February 2019

Dear readers: Resonance and visibility are two aspects that we want to highlight as successful achievements for our operations in the second semester of 2018. The huge participation in activities organised by CAPAZ in Germany and Colombia evinced the growing…

Bundespräsident Steinmeier zu Gast im CAPAZ Institut

Im Rahmen seines Staatsbesuchs in Kolumbien und Ecuador besuchte der Bundespräsident Frank-Walter Steinmeier am 12. Februar 2019 das Deutsch-Kolumbianische Friedensinstitut – CAPAZ. Prof. Dr. Stefan Peters, akademischer Direktor des CAPAZ, empfing Bundespräsident Steinmeier im Museum Claustro de San Agustín in…

CAPAZ publishes Policy Brief on the situation of human rights defenders

“Panorama de las personas defensoras de derechos humanos y líderes sociales en riesgo en Colombia 2018-2019” (Outlook for Human Rights Defenders and Social Leaders at Risk in Colombia 2018-2019) is the first Policy Brief published by the German-Colombian Peace Institute…

Colombia in Erfurt: Academic cooperation through CAPAZ

For years, Dr. Solveig Richter, junior professor of international conflict management (Juniorprofessorin für International Conflict Management) at Universität Erfurt Willy Brandt School of Public Policy in Germany, has been researching the dynamics of armed conflict around the world. For the…