Author:Carlos Nupia

Regional Thought in the Post-Agreement Forum

“Building territories of peace in the Amazon and Orinoco foothills” is the title of the Regional Thought in the Post-Agreement Forum, which will take place from 22 to 24 May 2019 in Neiva, capital of the department of Huila. During…

Call for courses on drugs and drug policy in the Andean Area

The Centro de Estudios sobre Seguridad y Drogas (CESED) at Universidad de los Andes invites those interested to participate in the call for applications for the course on drugs and drug policy in the Andean Area, co-financed by the Open…

Screening and discussion session on documentary “A recomponer”

The German-Colombian Peace Institute – CAPAZ, the Universidad del Rosario, the Universidad de los Andes and the Institute for Latin American Studies (LAI) at freie Universität Berlin are pleased to invite to the screening and discussion session on the documentary…